
Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009 – Bittersweet

I realized I didn’t make an update on my puppy, Murry. I decided to have him put to sleep Monday, Dec. 29. He was in agony and had stopped eating and drinking. I held him until the vet gave the shot. I could tell Murry was relieved to be out of his misery. Poor thing.

Allegra and Monty the cat searched for him for a little while. Then the two began to romp like they hadn’t in months. I think they were aware before that Murry couldn’t handle wild activity. They would sniff him, but never torment or jump on him. It was sweet to watch. Now Monty and Allegra are inseparable. They follow each other around and play like crazy.
It’s a relief for everyone not to have to worry about Murry anymore. Emily said she likes the idea the he’s with Mike now, sitting on his lap, watching Nascar. That’s a pleasant thought.
Life always come with sweet and bitter. The holidays were wonderful for me with Fred, Emily & Mark, and the rest of my family. Murry’s death made the bitter part of the sweet.
Ying and yang. It’s annoying, but that’s reality.
Just like my brain. Ying and yang. Ying is mostly happy and content with life. Yang is frustrated by eating choices and the constant internal battle that wages. Meme comes to life. Me – I like myself one day and me – I dislike myself the next.
I guess this has been universal for humans since the dawn of time – or there wouldn’t be an ancient symbol. Shouldn’t I derive some comfort from that?

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